Paper plagiari detection, also known as text similarity detection, is a technology used to detect the similarity between different documents. It is widely used in academic fields and is mainly used to detect academic plagiari. The principle is as follows,.
1. Fingerprint algorithm, Fingerprint algorithm is one of the most widely used plagiari detection technologies in the world. It is mainly used to compare the similarity between two documents. The principle is to divide the text into all pieces, convert the all pieces into hash codes, and then compare the similarity of the hash codes..
2. Text pattern matching, Text pattern matching is an algorithm based on the concept of similarity measurement and vector space model. It is mainly used to compare the similarity between texts, and to measure the similarity of two documents, it is usually based on the comparison of the number of words in the documents. This algorithm can effectively detect the plagiari between two texts..
The principle of plagiari checking is to detect and identify any similarities between two or more documents. It is a process of comparing two or more documents to see if they contain identical or highly similar text, or if one document has been copied from another. Plagiari checking software can be used to scan documents for text that is identical or very similar to other documents that he already been published..
Plagiari checking software works by accessing a database of published material, such as articles, books, magazines and other sources. The software then compares the text in the document being checked to the text in the database. If any passages are found to be identical or highly similar, then the software will mark them as possible plagiari..
Plagiari checking software is often used to detect and prevent plagiari in academic papers and other written assignments. Most universities and colleges use plagiari checking software to detect and prevent students from submitting work that is not their own. Plagiari checking software can also be used to detect plagiari in articles, books, and other written material..
By using plagiari checking software, authors and publishers can ensure that the material they publish is original and has not been copied from another source. Plagiari checking software can be used to quickly and easily detect any similarities between documents, allowing authors and publishers to detect and prevent plagiari..