

时间:2024-03-17 作者:igpmh88536原创上传 阅读:105038 已帮助:51174





1. 剽窃认定是人工决定的,机器只是给出相似文章的来源.如果不是公开发表的论文或网页或者其他学校递交的学校论文,人工不可能判定剽窃.这种谣言都太想当然了.
2. 据所知易改并没有提供任何剽窃检查的功能,也不大可能利用turnitin的数据库(用那个是需要付钱的,易改好像是免费的),所以从经济上考虑,也不会有这种问题.



Plagiari is a major issue in academic writing, and the term used to describe the act of copying or closely imitating the language and ideas of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own is often referred to as ‘‘repetition rate’’. Plagiari can take many forms, from passing off a paper written by someone else, to copying a phrase from an article without citing the source, to taking an entire paper from an online source and passing it off as one's own work. It is important to note that plagiari is not only unethical, but it can also he serious legal consequences..

In order to determine the repetition rate of a paper, the writer must first look for any text that is copied directly from another source. This includes, but is not limited to, phrases, sentences and entire paragraphs. In addition to directly copied text, the writer should also look for any text that is paraphrased, or reworded, from another source without citation. The repetition rate of a paper can then be calculated by taking the number of words that are copied or paraphrased from other sources and dividing it by the total number of words in the paper..

In addition to the repetition rate, other methods of detecting plagiari include looking for patterns of text that are unlikely to be original, such as overly complex sentence structures or overly technical language. Other factors that may indicate plagiari include a lack of citations, a lack of original thoughts or ideas, and a lack of proper formatting..

In conclusion, the term ‘‘repetition rate’’ refers to the percentage of a paper that is copied from, or closely resembles, another source. Calculating the repetition rate of a paper is one of the most effective ways to detect plagiari, however, other methods of detection are also important. In addition to the repetition rate, writers should also look for patterns of text that are unlikely to be original, a lack of citations, a lack of original thoughts or ideas, and a lack of proper formatting..









