

时间:2024-03-20 作者:kwnug59733原创上传 阅读:94913 已帮助:47583














No, you don't need to write a literature review to check the plagiari rate of your thesis. Plagiari checking software can be used to check the similarity rate of your thesis. Such software is designed to compare your written work with existing documents to identify any potential plagiari. It does not require a literature review..

In addition, many universities and colleges now offer online plagiari checking tools which you can use to check your thesis. These tools can be used to detect any similarities between your work and online sources such as websites, journals, and other published materials. These tools also provide detailed reports on the percentage of similarity between your work and other sources..

Finally, you can also hire a professional plagiari checking service to check the similarity rate of your thesis. These services use sophisticated software to compare your work with online sources to detect potential plagiari. They also provide detailed reports on the percentage of similarity between your work and other sources..


Yes, it is possible to record the rate of plagiari when checking papers. .

First, with the help of certain software, it is possible to detect whether there is any plagiari in the paper. The software will scan the paper for any plagiarized material and then calculate the percentage of plagiarized content. This percentage can be recorded for future reference. .

Second, with the help of a plagiari checker, it is possible to compare the paper with other papers and documents that are ailable online. By doing this, it is possible to find out the amount of content that has been copied from other sources. This percentage can also be recorded for future reference. .

In conclusion, it is possible to record the rate of plagiari when checking papers. This can be done by using software and plagiari checkers. This information can be used to help improve the writing process and to ensure the authenticity of the paper..


The key to reducing the repetition rate of a paper is as follows, .

Firstly, before writing, make sure you he done enough research and reading. Make sure that any ideas, facts or quotes you use in your paper are cited correctly, and be sure to read over your paper and make sure that all of your ideas are connected in a logical way..

Secondly, use active voice rather than passive voice when constructing your paper. This will help to make your paper concise and help to oid unnecessary repetition..

Finally, proofread your paper multiple times to make sure that all of the facts are correct and that there are no typos or mistakes. This will help to ensure that your paper is of a high standard and free from any unnecessary repetition..






