

时间:2024-02-12 作者:kwnug30063原创上传 阅读:88537 已帮助:45603




The paper plagiari rate, also known as the duplicate content rate, is a measure of the similarity between two documents. It is typically used to assess the amount of original content within an academic paper. The paper plagiari rate is determined by comparing two documents and then calculating the percentage of overlap between them. This percentage is then used to determine the originality of the paper. If the paper plagiari rate is too high, it indicates that parts of the paper he been copied from other sources without proper attribution.


1. Use the "Find" function to search for any potentially repeated words or phrases in the paper. Highlight those words or phrases and replace them with more precise synonyms.

2. When quoting another person's words, be sure to use the exact words and cite the source.

3. Avoid using the same construction of sentence in consecutive sentences or paragraphs.

4. Break long sentences into two or three shorter sentences.

5. Use a thesaurus to replace certain words with more precise words.

6. Avoid using redundant words within the same sentence.

7. Proofread the paper several times for phrases or sentences that could be rephrased.

8. When using a source, use the source itself instead of summarizing it.

9. Re-read the paper to ensure that all ideas are presented in a clear and concise manner.

10. He someone else read the paper to provide feedback and point out any potential areas of repetition.


The rate of repetition of graduation thesis is a measure of the degree of plagiari in a graduation thesis. It refers to the proportion of the content in a thesis which is the same as other published literature. In the academic world, it is generally believed that a graduation thesis should he a low rate of repetition, usually less than 10%. A high rate of repetition indicates that the author has used other people's work without authorization, and it will be regarded as academic misconduct.


The degree of repetition rate in graduation thesis is an important factor to measure the quality of academic papers. In this paper, the definition and significance of graduation thesis repetition rate will be discussed in two aspects.

First of all, the repetition rate of graduation thesis refers to the ratio of the words, phrases or sentences already existing in the graduation thesis to the total words in the thesis. Generally, the lower the repetition rate, the better the thesis quality. If the repetition rate is too high, it indicates that the author has not read enough literature, has a low level of thinking and has not done enough original work.

Moreover, the significance of graduation thesis repetition rate is that it can help readers to identify the authenticity and originality of the thesis. The lower the repetition rate, the more likely it is that the thesis is written independently. On the contrary, if the repetition rate is too high, it is likely that the author has plagiarized from other sources, which will reduce the academic value of the thesis.


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