

时间:2024-01-24 作者:ggcve53889原创上传 阅读:104109 已帮助:51339




Reducing the repetition rate of a paper can be described as "optimizing the content of a paper". Generally speaking, it means that the contents of the paper are concise and clear, and the same or similar contents should not be repeated many times..

The purpose of reducing the repetition rate of a paper is to make the paper easier to read, more reasonable and scientific, and to make the paper more influential..

The first way to reduce the repetition rate of a paper is to ensure the accuracy of the words. The words used in the paper should be accurate and clear, and the same words should not be used repeatedly. Secondly, the paper should be organized and structured reasonably. Each part of the paper should be closely linked, and the contents of the paper should be logically connected..

Thirdly, the paper should be concise. The content of the paper should not be too long-winded, and unnecessary content should not be repeated. Fourthly, the paper should be edited carefully. After the paper is written, it should be edited carefully to eliminate the repetition of content, and the same content should not be repeated..

Finally, the paper should be reviewed by a professional editor. Professional editors can provide valuable advice on how to reduce repetition rate, and help the paper reach a higher level..


基本上不会 ,读研究生期间发表SCI两篇 周围也有同学一样发表了很多文章,最典型的就是在们行业领域 有很多学者,也就是所谓的大牛,SCI都是在中文文章的基础上进行了稍微的修改,添加部分内容直接发表的 重复率很高 依然可以通过的.重复率检测是系统进行的,系统一般不进行中英文互换检测的 .






Reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. A high repetition rate can make a paper difficult to read and understand, and can make it less persuasive. Reducing repetition rate involves making sure that each point is made only once, and that it is made in the most concise and effective way possible. There are several strategies that can be used to reduce repetition rate in an academic paper. .

First, it is important to carefully plan the structure of the paper. This should include a clear outline that outlines the main points of the paper and how they will be argued. This will help ensure that all points are made in a logical and efficient manner, and that points are not repeated unnecessarily..

Second, it is important to edit the paper carefully. This means ensuring that sentences are succinct and that unnecessary words are removed. This will also help to reduce repetition rate, as it will make it easier to spot any points that are being repeated..

Third, it is important to use synonyms in the paper. Using synonyms can help to make the paper more interesting and engaging, and can also help to reduce repetition rate. By using different words to refer to the same concept, writers can ensure that they are not repeating themselves..

Finally, it is important to use visuals to supplement the written text. Including visuals such as diagrams, graphs, and tables can help to make the paper more interesting and more visually appealing. This can also help to reduce repetition rate, as it provides an alternative way of conveying the same information..

In conclusion, reducing repetition rate is an important goal for academic writing. By carefully planning the structure of the paper, editing the paper carefully, using synonyms, and using visuals, writers can ensure that the repetition rate in their paper is reduced..


Nowadays, with the prevalence of the Internet, it's much easier for scholars to access and publish papers. Therefore, the issue of paper plagiari has become increasingly serious. According to a survey, these are the top three journals with the highest duplication rate..

The first one is the Journal of Neuroscience. This journal is one of the most popular journals in neuroscience, and it has the highest duplication rate of all journals, with an erage of 16.56%. This journal is followed by the Nature Communications journal, with an erage duplication rate of 15.02%. Lastly, the Nature Genetics journal has an erage duplication rate of 14.81%..

It is clear that the high duplication rate of these journals is a serious problem. To address this issue, journals should take measures to improve the quality of their submissions. They should also adopt stricter policies to ensure that the papers they accept are original and free of plagiari. In addition, journals should provide more resources to help authors understand how to cite properly. Finally, journals should establish a system to detect plagiari, so that they can identify and reject any plagiarized papers..

In conclusion, the high duplication rate of these journals is a serious issue that must be addressed. Journals should take steps to ensure that the papers they accept are original and free of plagiari. Furthermore, they should provide resources to help authors understand how to cite properly and establish a system to detect plagiari..


No, you do not need to write literature for checking the plagiari rate of a thesis. Plagiari checking tools such as Turnitin and Copyscape allow users to check the content of the entire document or just a portion of it for plagiari. This includes checking for copied or paraphrased passages from other sources without proper citation. These tools compare the submitted document to a database of other documents and websites, and then provide a report listing the percentage of the document that is original and the percentage that is considered plagiarized..
