

时间:2024-01-15 作者:bikfk73898原创上传 阅读:103364 已帮助:50957




The development of modern society has brought a series of problems, such as environmental protection, resource exhaustion and energy security. In order to ensure the healthy development of the society, it is necessary to solve these problems. Therefore, the concept of sustainable development has been put forward. Sustainable development means that economic development should be carried out in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs..

To achieve sustainable development, the continuous development of science and technology, the improvement of social productivity and the optimization of the economic structure are the prerequisites. In the process of economic development, we must take into account the relationship between economic development and social development, pay attention to the improvement of people's livelihood, and strive to build a harmonious society. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the protection of the environment. We should take effective measures to se resources, reduce pollution and prevent environmental damage..

In addition, we should also pay attention to the coordination of economic development and environmental protection, so as to realize the sustainable development of economy and society. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the optimization of the economic structure, cultivate green industries, promote the application of green technology, and continuously improve the level of environmental protection..

In short, sustainable development is the basic requirement of modern society. We should actively promote the sustainable development of economy and society, pay attention to the coordination of economic development and environmental protection, and realize the common development of economy and society..


Yes, it is possible for Chinese translations in a paper to be detected by plagiari checkers. .

First of all, modern plagiari checkers are designed to compare the text written in different languages. These checkers he algorithms to detect a piece of text written in one language that is identical or very similar to the text written in another language. Therefore, if the translated text is not original, the plagiari checker will be able to detect plagiari..

Secondly, many plagiari checkers he a Chinese language database. This database contains translated Chinese text from many sources and is used to compare the text in a paper. If the translation matches text in the database, the plagiari checker can flag it as a potential plagiari..

In conclusion, Chinese translations can be detected by plagiari checkers if the translated text is not original..



英文论文引用中期刊查重率也很高的,万方论文查重查重就很严格查重率会很高的 精准度的检测查重才能更好的通过论文查重,通过学校查重检测.


这个问题问得好 这么说,认为被查出来的几率永远都不可能是0,但是风险度认为可以这么排一下(从低到高) 自己翻译,并且调整语序 自己翻译但不调整语序 机翻(现在的机翻还没强大到能直接翻译论文) 现成的翻译(网上找来的之类的) 4相当危险不建议尝试(很有可能被自动检测抓住),1和2就赌没人看过原文,至于3可能从一开始就是不可行的.




答案, 简单来说,如果你用英文论文翻译过来的内容出现在其他人的文章中,那么查重结果就会出现相关的内容.查重是一种识别相同或非常相似的内容的工具,它可以检测出重复的文本,以及抄袭或欺骗的行为.在查重中,不仅可以检测文章中的重复使用的内容,还可以对翻译的文章进行检查.


