1. Content Plagiari, Content plagiari involves copying sections of words, sentences, or paragraphs from another source without giving credit. It is considered to be the most common form of plagiari.
2. Structure Plagiari, Structure plagiari involves copying the structure or organization of another source without giving credit. This can include copying the order of ideas, the layout of a paper, or the use of headings and subheadings.
3. Source Plagiari, Source plagiari occurs when a source is cited but the ideas or words from that source are not put into quotation marks or otherwise indicated that they come from the source. This can also include a lack of a citation altogether.
4. Paraphrasing Plagiari, Paraphrasing plagiari is when a source is cited but the ideas or words from that source are not put into quotation marks or otherwise indicated that they come from the source. It also includes when a source is not cited or when a citation is not provided.
5. Ideas Plagiari, Ideas plagiari is when an individual uses another individual’s idea without giving credit or providing a citation. This can include using another individual’s research, theory, or hypothesis without giving proper credit.
6. Self-Plagiari, Self-plagiari is when an individual uses their own previously published work without citing it. This includes using portions of their own papers, using their own words or ideas, or using their own research.
7. Fabrication, Fabrication is when an individual creates or invents data or sources that do not exist. This can include creating sources or quotes that he not been previously published or creating data that is not supported by evidence.